Hosted by — Cryptoscape
Date: 25–5–2021
📢 GUEST: William Fagan — CEO

We recently hosted an AMA with FIGHTCOIN, on 25May at 2 PM UTC. So here we are up with the AMA transcript, for those who missed the live session, this post will be a time saver & a feeder of knowledge for them.
Sahil Seth:
1) Before we proceed can you introduce yourself and your background
I am William Fagan, from Melbourne Australia. I have always had a passion for martial arts, gaming and social activism. I have spent the last 12 years building various Mixed Martial Arts brands, both for profit and not-for-profit, across Australia, as well as multiple registered charitable organisations.
Here’s a long version…..
My Work:
I ran events, matched fights, promoted events and built businesses. Businesses and brands that still exist in a powerful way with tremendous reach. However, I am 100% FightCoin and only involved in FightCoin and I’m not leaving. This is my future…here is the stuff I did in the past:
IMMAFA (Austrlia’s National Amateur MMA Federation) : Director and VP of Victoria, organised multiple national and continental events across Australia and assisted in the attendance of the Australian team at the IMMAF World Championships (partnered with UFC), over multiple years.
Path to Hex: Founding Director of Australia’s largest Amateur MMA brand. Hosting 11 events over 3.5 years.
Safe Australia (and The Stance against abuse): Founding Director of a nationally registered anti-abuse charity. We did education in schools, campaigning, empowerment programs for survivors of abuse etc
AFC Australian Fighting Championship: Founding director of AFC, at the time was the largest budget pro MMA show in Australia. We hosted multiple ex and future UFC stars.
Sahil Seth:
2) Can you explain fightcoin project in detail and its importance over similar projects in the same direction at the moment
There are no similar projects in the space.
We are building an ecosystem that represents all the functional products within crypto that are engaged with by the crypto community and bringing all of that to the martial arts and combat sports world. While, at the same time, bringing the nearly 1 billion martial artists, combat sports fighters and fans into the crypto space.
A fight fan or martial artist wants to play a game? Great. FightGame. Want to bet on fight sports? Great. Fightbet. Want to Farm? Great! FightFarm. Want to trade crypto? Great! FightSwap. Want to watch fights? Great! FightStream. ETC
And while all that is being built, we are already working with charities and sporting federations globally through FightFund. We are already helping refugee children do martial arts through “Sports For Everyone” and already partnered with WAKO Oceania, a continental kickboxing association AND we already pay for street kids in Melbourne to train MMA…..and we are only just beginning.
Sahil Seth:
That’s great actually and we would be discussing about some of those features in detail in further questions :)
3) Can you tell why you felt the need of creating fightcoin and also tell whats your vision in long run with your fight coin
Crypto needs this. Fight sports need this. Every disadvantaged, underprivileged, marginalized or oppressed person that we can reach, needs this. Kids around the world need this. The world needs this.
In the long run we will develop a mainstream game studio, a world class streaming service, the world’s most popular crypto ecosystem…all while spending hundreds of millions of $ changing the world for the most disadvantaged among us.
Top 10 coin.
Sahil Seth:
Can you clarify a bit are you targeting to benefit fighters as in real fighters or underprivileged people in general????
The FightCoin ecosystem brings fighters into crypto and supports fighters on their journey through sponsorship, tipping, endorsements. Real fighters have also bought our token during the token sale.
FightFund is charitable and supports the underprivileged.
The FightCoin ecosystem funds FightFund.
Popular fighters support and endorse FightFund.
It’s a synergistic system.
thank you very much. Yep, each part helps each other part and thus the whole. Just like people in the real world.
Sahil Seth:
4) Currently a sale is ongoing through invitation can you share a bit of details about the same and the difference between different rounds (pricing, minimum, maximum buy limit)
Join this group everyone
Sure. We have 5 rounds. The earlier a person is, the cheaper it is to buy in.
There is a maximum buy limit for everyone participating, no matter who they are. It is $2Kusd worth of BNB at the time of purchase.
This stopped any whales from coming in..AND meant I had space for MORE influencers.
The token sale has been a little unusual. I have handled it mostly via meetings, phone calls and in person. Because most of the people I have been bringing into it are influencers, athletes, managers,coaches and media. I wanted reach, so I split the token allocations in half, for each round.
I.e Round 2 is 50% for the public and 50% for athletes, influencers etc…
And the athletes and influencers side requires daily meetings, phone calls, etc
So, the athlete and influencer side is in Round 2 and the public side is finishing up Round 2 about to head into Round 3.
The whole process has been handled manually and we don’t have our token until the weekend. It will be sent immediately for audit and once audited it will be distributed to the token sale participants.
Now….I will admit something here. Because I have been selling the token personally, I did not realise some people would want to use a launchpad. So we are looking into putting the later rounds on a launchpad. However, Round 2 and 3 will finish off as manual because we have already begun those rounds.
Sahil Seth:
That’s great actually so could you tell the pricing of round 3
sure….1 FightCoin = $0.003usd
To apply, simply head to
and hit the “Apply Now” button
It is invitation only, first come, first served. So we will handle every applicant personally.
Sahil Seth:
Now it’s time for the penultimate question of this segment be prepared to end this segment with a bang :)
5) Can you tell us about fight tokenomics, circulation supply, redistribution during transaction
Yep. there are to be a total supply of 555,000,000 tokens.
60% will be sold during the token sale.
30% will be locked up in pancakeswap against roughly $700K liquidity. It gives the token a price equal to the 5th Round of the sale; $0.004usd
Liquidity on pancakeswap will be locked long term.
10% team allocation for dev and marketing, it will be gradually released to avoid downward price pressure.
The token redistribution goes like this:
5% to FightFund
1% to FightDAO (Holders)
1% to Liquidity
1% split between marketing and dev
I felt it was important to ensure we continued to top up liquidity, that we rewarded holders and that we continued to fund development and marketing, as both of those grow FightCoin. To be strong in the short, medium and long term, investing in the business is essential.
The fee itself may be adjusted once we reach large cap (over 500m market cap) the reason being that the economics of large cap tokens is different from small cap tokens. We may lock or burn a % of FightFund.
It is to do with volume. redistribution and accessing funds to do the FightFund work.
Any change to the fee structure as we reach large cap, will need to be voted on and passed by FightDAO, the community of holders.
Sahil Seth:
1) You mentioned you would be adding PvP version soon can you give a bit of glimpse of the same and secondly what all sports would you be supporting in betting? @Grumpyb14017909
Great question. So we have exciting news about our game. Our main eSports game….think Street Fighter + Mortal Kombat + UFC (but 2D)….it will take at LEAST 3months likely 6 months to reach beta release….SO….we have begun making something for gamers to play in the meantime. We are developing a browser based fight game using NFT characters, items and power ups that will mostly translate across to the eSports game when it is released.
We are still working out if it will be PVP from day one, but if so we may have that ready for PvP including wagering within 6 weeks. That is our goal. I personally want 4 weeks but that is probably unrealistic.
For sports betting: only combat sports and martial arts. Anything we legally can.
Sahil Seth:
That’s amazing actually this coin is into gamification nft charity governance what else is needed also passive earning
yep….we actually are doing FightFarm for that. People can stake and earn rewards.
Sahil Seth:
That’s amazing seriously I am having goosebumps while reading this answer thinking how huge would this coin be :)
2) You will be bringing sports betting using Fightcoin and are also planning to to bring fight farm and fightswap all of these in Q3 . which of these will you be giving top priority IN Q3 and why
We have actually considered releasing FightFarm and FightSwap in Q2 because it is quicker to organise / dev than I first thought.
So FightFarm and FightSwap will likely get priority, in the dev…..but in the background we are already working towards what we can legally do with FightBet. It just takes longer.
Sahil Seth:
That’s so true and would be waiting for That but before that for everything guys you would need the token so register yourself in the sale happening you might get a chance to grab tokens :)
3) You have allocated a quota of token to celebrities and athletes, can you talk about this point as it contributes to the further expansion of the fightcoin ecosystem @shadyaboabdu
yep. The token is a utility token so FightCoin itself will be used across our ecosystem
Sure. Celebrities and athletes buy the token just like anyone else. What is great about people with a large reach buying the token is that they will generally continue marketing the token, FightCoin, the ecosystem and definitely FightFund (the charity). Which gives the project HUGE potential in the long run. They also don’t have paper hands. They understand the long term vision of the project.
Sahil Seth:
4) One of the founders confirmed that fightcoin will be active in every country . what about countries that live in internal conflicts ? can you support combat sporting activities there, as they are marginalized entities and no one highlights them? @kingofaltsy
GREAT question. Conflict zones are hard and to have an impact with the innocent children on all sides of conflict you need to work with the right individuals without taking sides politically.
We don’t take sides politically, just like martial arts, we will be everywhere. We are there to help the PEOPLE of the world, not the POLITICS. So we’ll go everywhere, to the people, to help the people that need it most.
We actually already support an organisation that is active in Palestine and surrounding countries in the middle east. FightFund is partnered with “Sports For Everybody” a charitable organisation helping disposed refugee children train in martial arts.
They do INCREDIBLE work.
We will continue to seek out partnerships like this in every country. We want to fight for the people of the world. The whole world.
Sahil Seth:
Thnkz for the appraisal :)
That’s great actually and your presence in Palestine already proves that you are trying your level best to support everyone :)
absolutely. There are people who need help everywhere, if you seek them, so we will look everywhere to help them. There are a lot of people in need through the middle east and it is a pleasure to work with those who are helping make childrens lives better.
Seeing children in those situations is heartbreaking.
Helping in some small way is something the world should do.
Sahil Seth:
That’s so true and praying everything would be fine very soon and with that prayer in Mind putting up the last but not the least question of this segment :)
5) As a sportsman how can I benefit from fightcoin? Is there any preference for sportsmen ?
for sure. In the near future you will be able to create a profile and with it a token will be assigned to you, named after you, that fans will be able to purchase. The token will be on a bonding curve, allowing an algorithm to create price change. The more people that buy, the more it is worth and the more that are minted, more people sell, it goes down. This would be similar in function to BitClout. But with our own alpha touch.
Also, if you compete, we allow “tipping” through the live stream. So fans can tip you (send you crypto) while watching you compete.
Also we are working on merchandise and NFT deals.
Has your project thought about some partnerships and collaborations with other projects within the ecosystem in order to make alliances and increase the community?
This one has not been covered yet and I like it because I am actually in discussions with some projects right now.
I can not announce it but you can all probably guess. it involves virtual worlds (crypto ones) and a world first.
We will continue to develop strategic partnerships within the cryptoverse.
Ok Good:
What are the ways for your project to generate revenue in the long run? What is the progress of business development and what are some of your commercial partnerships?
We will develop longterm revenue through a scalable game studio, streaming live events, hosting live events, NFT sales and merchandise and FightBet.
Bal Kamanu 8:
What type of developments do you have coming in the near future? Do you have any juicy news for us?
Announcing our browser based NFT collector FightGame happened here first 😊 it is the soonest EPIC thing that excites me greatly.
Many projects’ take 6 months to put together something like this, we will do it in under 2.
Our FightGames will drive engagement way up, drive revenue up, drive investment up and provide an initial use case for our utility token.
Redandi Dece:
Do you have any plans to attract non-crypto investors to your project? Because it was the success of the project to get more investors who still don’t exist in the crypto world. What are the plans for raising awareness around you in the non-crypto space?
Our real world work with FightFund, our events and our games will bring a LOT of non-crypto people into crypto. Eventually we plan to bring millions of non-crypto users into crypto.
The work and programs we set up will have such a large real world impact and be designed to continue long term. This should keep our project strong through summer and winter, bull and bear.
Abdul Basith Crypto mallu:
Most of the current DeFi platforms are inspired by the successes that already exist, but they forget their identity, will FightCoin also follow that trend? do you also follow the steps of success? What innovations do you embed that make you unique and different?
A lot of what we do is inspired by others. in fact, in the world, all great things are built on the shoulders of the great things that came before them.
One thing we do here is keep our uniqueness. In everything we do, we find a unique spin, a way of improving or innovating, of pushing the boundaries of what can be done.
We are never satisfied with mediocre. We want to be paradigm shifting. We want to build a new world, not just another new crypto project.
We are not and will not be like anything that came before us.
Sahil Seth:
Well with that answer we came to the end of this ama session anything you would like to conclude with???
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I just want to thank you, the team and the community for having me here today. I am grateful for being able to share the good work we are doing and I look forward to meeting likeminded people.
Please feel free to come say hi in our TG:
I would be happy to answer any questions I can while I’m in there and when I am not the team are great at helping out.
Thank you everyone!
Sahil Seth:
That’s great actually and it was nice meeting you and Thnkz for sharing your valuable time with our community and wish you all the best with fight coin
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