12 min readJun 7, 2021

🗓 DATE : 5th June 2021


🏠 VENUE : @thecryptostalkers

Guests : S. Barker — CEO



In the beginning, Please introduce yourself, How long you’ve been this field?

Say “Done” when you complete your answer ✅

Successor |Safu network:

Thank you for welcoming me in this Great community. I am S. Barker the CEO of @Safunetwork project, I have 5+ years experience in blockchain and crypto space, I am a business manager by proffessional, marketer and crypto trader for about 4 years now. It’s a pleasure to do this AMA today with you.


Glad to know more about you.

We say “Funds are SAFU” What you thought before naming your project “SAFU NETWORK”? 👀

Successor |Safu network:

This name came to our mind when Cz started using this term to tell users that their funds are safu and I loved this term since 2019 until I decided to make a project with my team with this name safu and we want to make a project with a very safu platform where users’s funds must be very safe or Safu😊


2: Please enlight “Safu Network” briefly to our Community. The basic concept behind it?

Successor |Safu network:

Nice question,

Lets know deeply about SAFU NETWORK.

This is a decentralized finance project with Charity program integrated which is allowing users access to the transparent loans, insurance contracts, pooled investments, and more for a financial freedom that allow not just turning inefficient money into efficient money, but does so in a safe way.

Safu network Charity program will help in fighting against poverty and help vulnerable class of people to survive, with this program, we aim to allocate 2% of Safu Network profit to charity program.

SafuWallet is one of our main products which is launching very soon this year and it will be the world’s safest cryptocurrency & Fiat Compatible wallet with all DEFI features or lets say SafuWallet is a decentralized digital asset wallet designed to provide users with a professional one-stop service, support multi-wallet management, exchange asset docking, and cover financial lending, staking, farming, cloud — mining, Dapp, dice games and other games, blockchain payment, charity program integrated inside and other functions.

SafuWallet will supports over 2500 cryptocurrencies, including but not limited to SAFU as main and in-house token which will allow all transactions, BTC, ETH, EOS, LTC, Doge, Trx, Ada, bnb, and more. SafuWallet will be launched soon with its version 1.0 from all about 10 versions, it will also supports aggregate trading.

©Some of its Features will be:

•SafuWallet will be a multi-platform (mobile/desktop/extension)

•universal crypto wallet that enables storage of all crypto like SAFU, BTC, ETH, Polkadot, Filecoin, EOS, Solana, BinanceChain, Cosmos tokens and more up to 2500+

•SafuWallet also features cross-chain token exchanges, a multi-chain DApp store.

•A mnemonic passphrase which allows seamless management of wallets for all associated private keys, one account supports the creation of multiple wallets;

Original DESM encryption algorithm to secure assets;

Practical tools such as payment,Swap, bulk transfer, bookkeeping, red packets, airdrop, currency encyclopedias, currency quotations, games, charity, donation tolls and more ;

Dapp Center, a global collection of DApps from multiple blockchains.

•SafuWallet must be your safe option to use as it is a multifunctional wallet and multi-platform, with this we believe that its popularity will continue to rise, but for our users, know that it’s extremely important to understand that entering your private keys or passwords into any centralized website will involve risks, so you will be advised to keep safe and jealousy your mnemonic passphrase and password.

Let me introduce a little bit also about dice game in SafuWallet.

Dice games are games that use or incorporate one or more dice as their sole or central component, usually as a random device.

Since Dice are small, throwable objects with marked sides that can rest in multiple positions, They are used for generating random numbers, commonly as part of tabletop games, including dice games, board games, role-playing games, and games of chance, with SafuWallet and Safu Dice game you will play a game of chance and Earning game where you can bet that price of Safu or other crypto will rise or drop and when it happen you earn money depending of how much your bet amount was.

Players will first roll the dice to determine the Trend for that particular crypto and then all the participants will place bets on whether or not the trend rolling will be up or down then who passes win and get reward in Safu or other crypto.

I want also to talk about SafuPay

Which is an Efficient and powerful payment system and

A payment solution with cutting edge features developed to make your life easier

Shops, merchants i invite you soon to join us and Accept safu token payments, effortlessly,

And Become part of a growing community of more than 5000,000 targeted users

Marchants will Get paid faster by accepting Safu Token payments.

We will call all to Start accepting SAFU and receive payments from their clients almost instantly and get some % return on their sell.

We want to create a SAFUPAY system that businesses will love to use.

Accept SAFU payments face-to-face at your shop, restaurant, and enjoy our faster transaction with a very low fee etc.

Some of advantages that users will have to use SafuPay is :

Save more

As Regular forms of payment come with high charges and hidden fees, this won’t happen with Safupay

And there will be a 0% fee as an introductory offer for the duration of our Beta development stage. Then Once this period will be over a standard fee of 0.5–1%% will be charged. All users will be informed long in advance of this change, which is due in near future after the launch of SafuWallet.



So many things yet to come 💪 let’s buy $SAFU on Pancakeswap? 🤔 When? 👀

Successor |Safu network:

Very soon, we have issue with them as one user faking our price and add fake lq now we can’t add lq until their support solve the issue. We are waiting for their support which is taking longer now😒

But now but at Azbit, indoex and Bankcex while it is still low price


I wish we could know his Social media address by Blockchain 😅 I wonder who will be solving this issue in which we can easily access the owner of wallet 🤷‍♂

Successor |Safu network:

Pancakaswap support is not responding, that is the main issue, they can remove that liquidity I think they can


3: I see great Safu Community, what are your plans to bring more engagments in your community? Precisely how you’ll boost it up?

Successor |Safu network:

Thanks for this nice question,

Now Safu network is already expanded and keep expanding with many local communities from more than 15 countries, our community is being boosted up already by having more community rewading activities where mambers are getting safu as reward when they invite their friends, follow our social medias and more contest live in our all communities. Kindly join Us and be part of our development. We are also having different promotion including AMA and different online promotionals activities with different crypto communities, medias and more to keep safu network name know to the public.

Sorry one of our contest is live. Check it out guys and don’t miss


4: What is the revenue model of Safu Network? Please elaborate in details.

Successor |Safu network:

Now here is the answer to your great questions,

The Safu economy is or will be simple, Safu network will charge a gas subsidy (productivity) fee of some % of transaction fee, % of withdrawal fee, make profit in our dice game where users will be playing game with safu token like gambling, trading fee (maker and taker fee of some % will be applied, swaping fee also will be applied when you swap crypto to crypto or crypto to fiat ofcause with a very low fee, and much

more plan to make revenue in Safu network is planned. I remind everyone that from this revenue, 2% is for charity program, everyone who will need to transact with SafuWallet will need to own SAFU And this will also generate income and also boost SAFU token price

Our liquidity and staking will also generate income so we have a stream of income in a very near future

Join us and lets success together



Great! Are you looking for listing SAFU in other finances for Staking? 👀

Successor |Safu network:

Very soon this month we need to do that and more events are being planned to all exchanges we are listed on.

More listing coming soon


5: Can you please present 2 major events in your roadmap for which you’re more excited? 👀

Successor |Safu network:

Hahaha , this is complicated but let me try to outline some exciting features to me. In general all our platform roadmap is exciting because I am also excited to launch charity program


My two more and excited events in our roadmap is this Q3/2021 where we will launch our main products which is SafuWallet with all stated features In my introduction like Sataking, swapping etc.. and Q1/2022 where we will have the testnet of our full platform with Dex and mainnet launch.

Stay tuned bro. Always check update here



6: Tell us more about safu network tockenomics and its DEX Listings and why you mentioned DEX why not CEX for safu?

Precisely he is asking about “MAJOR CEX”


Successor |Safu network:


@Safunetwork Tokenomics is as follow:

-Maximum Supply: 15,000

-Presale: 51.3%

-Team: 20%

-Marketing: 18.04%

-Liquidity lock: 6.66%

-Community; 2%

-Future development: 2%

Token explorer at #BSC

About DEX and Not Cex, I think this user wrongly read our listing plan, we are listed in Cex than Dex, but very soon we will list also Dex of cause but we started with CEX.





Welcome to SAFU NETWORK #DEFI and Charity project


because when we list there now, Safu price will moon even harder and whales will afford to buy it than our main community which is not our main mission, we want low users to have safu before whales join it. So buy more and after some number of holders,we will list at binance

Yes. We want safu to be owned buy many users than few whales who will control its price😊😊


7: Price of $SAFU seems to be high in the beginning of this beautiful project but supply is also low, that is good. what are the specific activities in your roadmap are you planning for to keep this price higher more and useful to the SafuNetwork community and other users in general?

Successor |Safu network:

Thank you for this question, you need to know what are the specific activities in our roadmap we are planing to keep this price higher?

Well, we have a huge plan for this quarter,

First of all we are listing to different exchanges include but not limited to Bankcex, azbit and INDOEX, you can go and trade at azbit or bankcex and indoex and

APart from listing, we aim to make huge community, whereby we are creating awareness of Safunetwork around the globe.

We have now different local communities with ambassadors who are promoting us in many countries. Check our global ans local communities to know how we are growing faster within only two months launched , in this Q2 we want to make partnership with different blockchain medias and project. Promoters and influencers while having more AMA to keep increasing the visibility of Safunetwork,

As i said above here, In August-Oct we will launch our SafuWallet version 1.0 with Amazing Features and more will followzStay tuned and don’t miss this great opportunity to buy safu while it is still in dip at any exchange because very soon, you won’t to afford 1 SAFU as the price will increase dramatically


Better times ahead guys 💪😏 This is going to explode! Buy as its pretty cheap 😎


8: I can see a lot of rewarding activities which is a good gesture, is there any planned stuff for charity? Like some other projects are donating?

Successor |Safu network:

Yes charity is well planned where 2% will be given to the poor and vulnerable class of people around the world.

Check our upcoming feature and know more here


9: What is the ultimate vision that Your #SAFUNetwork project is trying to achieve within the cryptocurrencies market? Obviously the whole space will experience huge growth in the upcoming years, but what role would you like Your project #SAFUNetwork play in this?

Successor |Safu network:

Simply, Our Ultimate vision and mission is bridging the gab between DEFI project,Crypto and fiat conversion, while doing Charity to the whole world ,and being Game changer in crypto for entertainment

Where you will earn crypto and Fiat currencies while playing game and later we will add NFT in our platform, so our main goal is to become a uniques,great and best project among others.

Our upcoming updates was said above.


10: On your website you have spoke out about safu multifunctional wallet with high transaction speed.Tell us how much progress you have made over this tier?

Successor |Safu network:

The progress of our wallet is now at 50%, we are working on it and very soon, testing will start,we aim to launch it in August,so buy safu now save it in other BSC compatible wallet while waiting to make money with it in our main wallet with Staking and more features as described above here👆


🌈🌈Lissa🌈🌈 Alzabeth:

❤️Very impotant Question❤️

👋👋 Hello Sir❤️

Can you give me the best 3 features to convince me and other investors to invest in your project in the long term????????

Successor |Safu network:

1. Our token supply is low

Only 15K maximum suplly and it will be used in the whole ecosystem live bnb is being used, so it your time now to buy it before we launch all its usercase.

2. We have good project with interesting features like charity, wallet ,SafuPay and dice gave all will need safu and they are for long term so investing with safu is a good choice for a good investor.

3. We she good community around the globe, we are sure very soon our project will be one among big project trending.

Tonny Meye:

Do you have a Token Burning plan to increase Token value and attract Investors to invest?

Successor |Safu network:

We have this feature but seeing our Supply and our token utility within ecosystem and our community, we don’t think we will need to burn,but when we see it is necessary we have the option to burn some token

Nancy Amr:

🚩My Question is,,,

Most solid projects with token utility and good infrastructure but perform poorly because investors dumped after listing on the first exchange. How do you prevent early investors from dumping your tokens?????


Successor |Safu network:

To prevent dumpers we had maximum buy for 100 safu in our presale and happily because our token price is high, none afforded to buy even 50 Safu and with this no whales in safu.

Seeing also our big community and everyone has very low amount of token and none wants to sell at cheap expect Airdropers, we are sure none will dump

Leona Leona:

After joining SAFU NETWORK to the decentralized system and creating your own SAFU MULTIFUNCTION WALLET, what has this creation come to solve and how can users benefit from it.?

Successor |Safu network:

Safuwallet will solve the issue of fiat to crypto swap, and Security of your asset as we are decentralized then with staking, dapp and dice game , you will benefit much more from our wallet than all other you knew before

Ali zafar:

Almost investors have just focused on price of token in short term instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us on motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token in long term?⬇

Successor |Safu network:

We have big plan,big dream and big team with great goal, please don’t sell your token. Before x100, x1000 because soon you will regret if you sell now.

Buy the dip, hold and wait our main product launch

We have Dex, wallet, charity, dice, swap, exchange and more features which must boost the price of our token which is very scarce of 15K supply.



Thankyou @Safunetwork_CEO for your precious time. We wish you best of luck in your product developments.


I’ll recommend everyone to Join their telegram channel if you’ve further Questions.

Successor |Safu network:

Thank you so so much bro. It was a great moment to being here.

Hope we succeed together

Everyone Welcome to @safunetwork community,

You can also join our

Safu announcements channel for updates @Safunetwork_news

Beware of scams. No SAFU admin will DM your first, Never provide your private keys/phrases to anyone.

FYI: SAFU network Token Supply is 15,000

Check #BSC explorer:





Welcome to SAFU NETWORK #DEFI and Charity project


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ℹ️ Safunetwork Info ℹ️

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Written by SB

cryptocurrency enthusiast,WRITER and reader.

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