AMA RECAP : The Gem Hunters x Outrace

6 min readNov 24, 2021


Date : 24 November 2021
Host : Running Beast
Guest : Troy (COO — Outrace).

Hello Gem Nation and Crypto Enthusiasts!

We recently hosted an AMA with Outrace. So here we are up with the AMA transcript, for those who missed the live session, this post will be a time saver & a feeder of knowledge for everyone.


Running Beast | TGH:

Let’s kick off with some introduction.Please introduce yourself to the community?Please tell us about your experience and expertise in the Crypto field.


Yes of course.

My name is Troy Denia. I’m the current Chief Operations Officer of Outrace. I’ve been in crypto since 2017 out of curiosity until I further researched its potential not only individually but also in broader terms. I also met our CEO on 2017. We were investing in some ICOs and trading coins/tokens at that time. I’ve been mostly as Community Managers/Bounty managers while being an Investor and Trader at the same time and that’s why I’ve come to study different kinds of projects as well.

Running Beast | TGH:

that’s great.

thanks for the brief introduction

let talk in depth about the project

Please give us a brief introduction about your project and what are you guys trying to showcase? What is the story behind its origin? When did it start?


Outrace is a racing-themed NFT game insprired by the many racing games we had in the past and current NFT trends that we have these days.

The story behind is actually simple. We wanted to provide a blockchain-based-income-generating NFT game for the community with less the problems most NFT has nowadays.

We started conceptualizing Outrace around 7 or 8 months ago as we have already noticed some problems with the current NFTs at that time and we wanted to improve it and provide a better outcome for the community of gamers.

Running Beast | TGH:

the NFT trend has given a huge boost to the crypto marketThere has been rapid development in the Crypto field in the past few years but it is still in early stages.What makes Outrace stand out and unique among so many projects in the market?Please tell us about the unique Outrace Game and its different modes and could you run us through how it actually works?


Yes, indeed and we wanted to provide a better experience.

Running Beast | TGH:

i love racing games


yeh we’ve all said we’re interested in playing Outrace

the community reception has been amazing too


We’d love to cater as many as possible.

Basically, it’s a racing game and it has 3 types of races: one against AI, one against multiple real players and a 1v1 where winner takes all.

Conqueror Mode, Sprint Race Mode and Pink SLip Race. We also have the manufacturing option where players gets to produce their own cars or car parts.

What sets Outrace “VERY” different from the many NFT games we have today are these:

1. Limited NFT (car) usage — Every car has a mileage and it determines how long a car can be used to race. It is initially set to 150,000 kilometers.

2. Different wallets for Crew Racers and Crew Leaders — This prevents malicious acts from the manager’s side preventing profit lost for our crew racers.

3. High initial manufacturing requirements — this promotes more token burning mechanism.

4. Fibonacci sequencing — It provides difficulty for NFT printing and prevents upsurge in NFT production.

We get these uniqueness as we witness some difficulties other NFT games are experiencing right now. We have to do this as a long term project.

Running Beast | TGH:

What are the track records of Outrace?

There are various entry barriers plaguing the Crypto market. How would your project secure an upper hand over the most similar contender in the market today in terms of scalability, security, features, and adaptability?


We have just basically launched our IDO 2 days ago and it has been a success o far. Plus, with the stated uniqueness above, there will be a mutual benefit both for the Crew Leaders and Crew Racers without the added risk.

If one has financial capability, he can chose to race for himself or help others earn as well. And if one has no financial capacity, being a crew racer is the best choice.

We’ll have to improve as time goes by especially as we increase in users and it is very important for us to do so.

Running Beast | TGH:

where did you have the IDO, can you please share about the experience?


We had it on SparkPoint and on the second part, it was sold out ultimately fast. If I’m not mistaken, the total sale was 93 bnb

Running Beast | TGH:

Lets get some insight into your token,

How does it all get incorporated into the Outrace ecosystem? How will you stimulate the users to hold your token in the long run?


This is a great question actually.

$ORE is the native currency of Outrace Play To Earn and it will be used to reward racers as well. Basically it will also be used in buying cars in the marketplace and upgrading garage. The native token will be used both in-game and outside of the game ( staking and others)

Running Beast | TGH:

would be great to see it implemented in the game.

And lastly, please tell the community about your plans ahead.

Please tell us about your Upcoming events, Roadmap, milestones and potential updates moving forward.


We have several plans for the community as we move forward into improving the game. We are anticipating plenty of inconsistencies or bugs that will appear in game and we have to settle it as fast as possible.

Aside from racing, manufacturing and selling cars or car parts, there’ll be plenty activities outside the game and we wanted to surprise the community for these activites.

As much as I’d like to reveal much as early as now, but we’d love to bring excitement to our users/players

We’ll also have our listing on Pancakeswap on Nov 26. Time will be TBA.



Hello @Trojan2131

What is the competitive advantage of your project? Can you tell me 1–3 best features of your project that other projects don’t have to convince me and other investors to invest in your project for a long time?



1. Limited NFT (car) usage — Every car has a mileage and it determines how long a car can be used to race. It is initially set to 150,000 kilometers.

2. Different wallets for Crew Racers and Crew Leaders — This prevents malicious acts from the manager’s side preventing profit lost for our crew racers.

3. High initial manufacturing requirements — this promotes more token burning mechanism.

4. Fibonacci sequencing — It provides difficulty for NFT printing and prevents upsurge in NFT production.

Justin Moore:

Do you have any plan on how to sustain the economy and value of ore?


Game-wise there is a lot to offer for this attribute. We have to consider, number 1, $ORE Total supply, game rewards and burning mechanism. With these sets of actions taken care of, it would be easy to accrue value in due time.

BebyFii 💞:

Hello sir… May I ask about the project.. What I want to ask.. The success of a project must have a great and experienced team, how about your team? And then income is very important for the progress and development of a project. Where will the main income of the project come from? And how is your project progressing so far? Has there been any significant progress?


Main income will come from fees on the marketplace. Right now we are still configuring the least possible fees for the community. The game itself can be live anytime but we should wait for the official announcement.


hello sir⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️ Currently, there are many NFT projects in the crypto market. Are we considering multi-channel development for our project? For example, working with more art or game projects, and working with NFT trading platforms to build relevant markets?



We are actually welcome to this kinds of suggestions and we are searching for possible means for this kinds of integration. We’ll have this noted as coming from the community.

@Trojan2131 What strategy will you implement to bring non-crypto-natives into your ecosystem? How do you keep a balance between developing the technology and also improving the value of your token?

Gaming plus earning incentive. Plus the additional learning we can have with cryptocurrency and blockchain itself.
This is my choice. Bringing non-crypto natives to the crypto world through $OUTRACE PLAY-TO-EARN, gaming and earning mechanics should benefit many people.



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